We have now had a visit from the structural engineer who has provided us with a structural design for the renovation of the chancel floor. With this we can approach construction companies for quotations to carry out the work.
With regard to the lifting and reinstatement of the encaustic tiles, choir pews, altar rail, stone blocks and pulpit we have received a quotation to carry out this work. This quotation has been forwarded to the DAC and has received approval. Before commencing the work we need to provide a method statement as to how the tiles will be lifted and the reinstatement of the subfloor and tiles. This has been requested from the relevant company and will then be forwarded to the DAC.
The issue of tree root incursion into the nave floor is also being handled and a suitable contractor selected to dig the trench alongside the east wall of the building where the tree roots will be treated to prevent this problem arising again.
Posted by David Rigby.